whether you need someone for just a few days or a more supportive long-term arrangement. Our professional caregivers will work with you to come up with a plan of care that is just right for you.
years experience in this Healthcare Industry
Aasha Home Care Designs is dedicated to helping our customers with design, décor, and organization through our experience caregivers.
We are a family owned and operated business, and we appreciate your support. We have more than 5 years experience in this Healthcare Industry to provide CDPAP and Home Care Services..
A patient in need of care or treatment that can only be administered by licensed nurses is said to be receiving skilled nursing care.
Personal care services are direct services that help an individual with essential daily tasks that they are unable to complete on their own.
In order to help patients with chronic illnesses better understand their diseases and adhere to therapy for better results.
A caretaker may assist a person with physical limitations or disabilities with challenging or unachievable tasks like personal cleanliness, transportation etc
CDPAP is under the Medicaid program provides services to chronically ill or physically disabled individuals who have a medical need for help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or skilled nursing services. Services can include any of the services provided by a personal care aide (home attendant), home health aide, or nurse. Recipients have flexibility and freedom in choosing their caregivers.
The consumer or the person acting on the consumer’s behalf (such as the parent of a disabled or chronically ill child) assumes full responsibility for hiring, training, supervising, and – if need be – terminating the employment of persons providing the services.
Before a person can receive services, his or her doctor must send a completed Physician’s Order for Services to the local social services district, which then completes a social and nursing assessment. A nurse assessor then determines whether the recipient can appropriately participate in CDPAP, and recommends the amount, frequency and duration of services.
Recipients must be able and willing to make informed choices regarding the management of the services they receive, or have a legal guardian or designated relative or other adult able and willing to help make informed choices.
The consumer or designee must also be responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, supervising and terminating caregivers, and must arrange for back-up coverage when necessary, arrange and coordinate other services; and keep payroll records.
Contact with us if you think you have an immediate need for Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Services and would like more information on how to get your eligibility processed more quickly for these services.
Please contact within us or give us a direct call!
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